Project implementation
Workshop of NGO experts on equal opportunities of
women and men (entrepreneurship)
On July 14, the Polish partner Stowarzyszenie VESUVIO, project
manager Alina Stadnik, organized a webinar within the
framework of the NORDEN program of the Women's Rights Institute in
the Baltic Sea region. Participants discussed the basic principle of
the European Pillar of Social Rights on equal opportunities for
women and men in the entrepreneurship.
The webinar was attended by 8 NGO experts from Poland, Latvia,
Kaliningrad and Belarus.
Laila Balga, Project Coordinator, opened the discussion.
Presentations were made by Alina Stadnik and Wlodzimierz
Stadnik (VESUVIO), Marina Matiunina (Women's Union of the
Kaliningrad Region) and Darya Stepnova (Belarusian Foundation
WRI NORDEN Poland - AGENDA (.pdf) >>
Belarus - WRI NORDEN, Belarusian women in business, RU (.pdf) >>
Kaliningrad - WRI NORDEN, Made by the hands of special people (.pdf)
Poland - WRI NORDEN, Equal opportunities of women and men -
entrepreneurship (.pdf) >>
Laila Balga - WRI NORDEN (.pdf) >>
Laila Balga - WRI NORDEN, RU (.pdf) >>
