Project implementation
Workshop of NGO experts on equal opportunities of
women and men (social care and health)
On October 1, the Norwegian partner People to People Norway, project
manager Olga Gravem, organized a webinar within the framework
of the NORDEN program of the Women's Rights Institute in the Baltic
Sea region. Participants discussed the basic principle of the
European Pillar of Social Rights on equal opportunities for women
and men in the social care and health.
The webinar was attended by 12 NGO experts from Norway, Latvia,
Poland, Lithuania, Kaliningrad and Belarus.
Laila Balga, Project Coordinator, opened the discussion with
presentation "Bergen - our friend and advisor. Presentations were
made by Olga Gravem (People to People Norway) and Jurgita
Rimdziuviene (Lithuanian Multiple Sclerosis Union).
Agenda (.pdf) >>
Presentation by O.Gravem (.pdf) >>
