Project implementation
Seminar of NGOs experts on social rights
On September 8, within the framework of the EAPN-Latvia project
participants discussed the basic principle of the European Pillar of
Social Rights and other tools of social rights, and access to the
labor market. The webinar was organized by the project partner
B-Creative Association (Chairperson Ingmarie Rohdin) from Bromolla,
Sweden. Exchange of experience of NGOs was developed.
The webinar was attended by 14 NGO experts from Sweden, Belarus,
Norway, Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg and Latvia.
Thematic presentations were made by Ingmarie Rohdin, an NGO
expert, and Tord Hansson, an NGO expert form B-Creative Association,
as well as Edīte Kalniņa, an NGO expert from the Latvian
Women's NGO Cooperation Network, and Marina Borisova, an
expert from the Belarusian Interakcia Foundation.
Agenda (.pdf) >>
Presentation - Edite Kalnina (.pdf) >>
Presentation - Ingmarie Rohdin (.pdf) >>
Presentation - Marina Borisova (.pdf) >>
Presentation T.Hansson (.pdf) >>
