Project implementation
Seminar of NGOs experts on social rights
On September 24, 2021, as part of the project, the Belarusian
partner Interakcia Foundation (Minsk) organized a webinar of NGO
experts on the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights
and other social law instruments related to equal access to the
labor market. The webinar from Georgia was chaired by Marina
Borisova, Director of Interakcia. Exchange of experience of NGOs
was developed.
The webinar was attended by 13 NGO experts from Latvia, Belarus,
Estonia and St. Petersburg.
The presentations were shared by experts: Marina Borisova
from Belarus, from Latvia - Aigars Sveicers, EAPN-Latvia,
from Sweden - Asa Hedlin Olsson, B-Creative Association, and
from St.Petersburg - Olga Yefimova, PSP-Fond.
Belarus AGENDA 24.09.2021. final (.pdf) >>
Presentation A.Hedlin Olsson (.pdf) >>
Presentation A.Sveicers NGO network (.pdf) >>
Presentation O.Yefimova (.pdf) >>
