ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships

25.05.2021. Nicosia, Cyprus
Transnational Projects Meeting: Erasmus+ Project
Opening Conference
On May 25, in Nicosia, Cyprus, EAPN-Latvia and partners from Cyprus,
Greece, Italy, France, Norway, Sweden, Poland, Romania and Estonia
launched the Erasmus+ co-funded Strategic Partnership project
"Building a Network to Boost Social Secure Europe" - BOSS.
Roulla Mavronikola, President of the Socialist Women's
Movement, Laila Balga, Chair of the Board of EAPN-Latvia, and
Andri Savva (greetings from the Commissioner for Gender
Equality of Cyprus) gave an introductory speech at the remote
conference, which was attended by more than 50 participants.
Presentations were made by experts invited by the Cypriot partner:
Eleni Karaoli, Vice-President of the European Anti-Poverty
Network (EAPN), and Josie Christodolou, a Gender Equality
Adviser to the Cypriot Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The results of
the conference were summarized by Nikos Satsias, President of
the Cyprus Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN-Cyprus).
The conference was moderated by Orestis Collins and Eleni
Karaoli, managers of the Socialist Women's Movement, a BOSS
project partner. Latvia was also represented at the Cyprus
conference by Marite Rozentale and Aigars Sveicers,
members of the board of EAPN-Latvia, and Gunta Kelle,
President of IMKA Latvia.
Video of Opening conference in Facebook:
ERASMUS+ BOSS Cyprus AGENDA (.pdf) >>
Erasmus+ BOSS Cyprus Conference_Presentation E.Karaoli (.pdf) >>
Erasmus+ BOSS Cyprus Conference Summary (.pdf) >>
Laila Balga Erasmus+ BOSS Cyprus (.pdf) >>
