ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships

15.09.2021. Bromolla, Sweden
Transnational Project Meeting: BOSS Capacity
On September 15, 2021 in Bromolla, Sweden, a transnational project
meeting took place within the framework of the Erasmus+ co-financed
Strategic Partnership project "Building a Network to Boost Social
Secure Europe" - BOSS.
The meeting was organized by the project partner from Sweden -
B-Association. Goals: To provide opportunities for in-depth exchange
of information, experience and recommendations between BOSS project
managers on each project partners previous experience with
implementing Erasmus+ projects in the context of social inclusion,
transferring this experience to the new project partners; also on
strategies and methods for creating and maintaining networks in
Europe; on BOSS networks Capacity Building tasks and resources for
the promotion of social security, as well as on the expected project
results and their dissemination to the general public.
The meeting was moderated by Ingmarie Rohdin, Chairperson of
B-Creative Association.
The webinar was attended by 18 representatives of the partners from
Sweden, Latvia, France, Italy, Cyprus, Romania, Estonia, Greece and
Presentations were made by NGO experts Laila Balga,
Chairperson of the Board of EAPN-Latvia, Member of EXCO of
EAPN-Europe, Board Member of the Latvian Cooperation Network of
non-governmental women's organizations, and by Ingmarie Rohdin,
Chairperson of B-Creative Association.
Latvia was also represented at the meeting by the NGO experts
Marite Rozentale and Aigars Sveicers, members of the
Board of EAPN-Latvia, and Natalya Novikova, member of the association
Agenda (.pdf) >>
Presentation "Capacity Building" by Ingmarie Rohdin (.pdf) >>>
Presentation "The importance of NGO network capacity" by Laila Balga
(.pdf) >>
Erasmus+ BOSS Sweden Summary (.pdf) >>
