ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships

Project implementation
07.10.2021. Oslo, Norway
Exchange of experience in ensuring social rights
in Norway
On October 7, 2021 in Oslo, Norway, an exchange of experience
meeting took place within the framework of the Erasmus+ co-financed
Strategic Partnership project "Building a Network to Boost Social
Secure Europe" - BOSS.
The meeting was organized by the project partner from Norway -
Velferdsalliansen EAPN-Norway. Goals: To raise the awareness of
partner organizations' employees on putting into practice one of the
20 basic principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights to
promote social security for vulnerable groups of population.
The meeting was opened by Honoratte Muhanzi, Executive
Manager of Velferdsalliansen EAPN-Norway, and moderated by Aaste
Solheim Hagerup, Administrator.
The webinar was attended by 17 representatives of the partners from
Norway, France, Italy, Cyprus, Romania, Estonia and Greece.
Presentations were made by NGO expert Ndey Jobarteh,
Organizational advisor and coordinator for the mentor program for
Sammen om en jobb, Oslo.
Latvia was also represented at the meeting by the NGO experts
Laila Balga, Marite Rozentale and Aigars Sveicers,
members of the Board of EAPN-Latvia, Ineta Ielite, Chairwoman
of Latvian Cooperation Network of non-governmental women's
organizations, and Dace Paegle, member of Latvian Children's
Agenda (.pdf) >>
Presentation by
Honoratte Muhanzi (.pdf) >>
by Ndey Jobarteh
(.pdf) >>
