ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships

Project implementation
Conference of NGO project managers and board
members: BOSS implementation in new conditions
Between April 27 and 30 in Paphos, Cyprus, EAPN-Latvia
representatives Aigars Sveicers and Kristaps Zarins
(Latvian Lawyers' Association) participated in the international
conference of NGO project managers and board members on the
implementation of BOSS in the new conditions. The conference was
organized by the cooperation partner Socialist Women's Movement,
project manager Eleni Karaoli. The conference was attended by
38 NGO employees from Cyprus, Latvia, Italy, Greece, Sweden,
Estonia, France, Romania, Poland and Norway.
Erasmus+ BOSS Final conference Cyprus Agenda 04.2023. (.pdf) >>
Swot Analysis BOSS Cyprus 28-29.4.2023. (.pdf) >>
