ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships

Project implementation
BOSS Evaluation Meeting
On June 26-29, a project evaluation and closing meeting was held in
Tallinn, Estonia, organized by the project partner Eesti People to
People (president Ruta Pels). It was attended by project
managers and board members from 10 partner organizations: from
Estonia, Latvia, Sweden, France, Poland, Italy, Norway, Cyprus,
Romania and Greece.
EAPN-Latvia was represented by board members and project managers
Laila Balga and Aigars Sveicers, as well as volunteer
workers Ineta Stadgale (Rucava society "Jumītis"),
Natalija Kurnosova (Dobele disabled society) and Irena Krieva
(Sigulda society "Aicinājums Tev").
Agenda (.pdf) >>
Resolution (.pdf) >>
