ERASMUS+ Small-scale partnership
International activities
22-26.08.2022. Riga, Latvia
Experience exchange seminar of NGO educators on
competencies for social inclusion - workshops' summary
From August 22 to 26, 2022, the Experience exchange seminar of NGO
educators took place in Riga, it was organized by EAPN-Latvia, lead
by Laila Balga, Chairperson of the Board.
Through presentations, informative materials and discussions, NGO
educators from Latvia, Estonia, Sweden, Italy and Greece - Laila
Balga, Evija Kula, Aigars Sveicers, Elina
Alere-Fogele, Gunta Kelle, Ilga Liepina, Marite
Rozentale, Diana Jasinska, Irena Krieva, Inese
Draudina, Dzintra Ziemele, Arnolds Ziemelis,
Margarita Sveckova, Raja Eriksone, Terezija Mackare,
Irena Moreino, Inga Vovcenko, Rita Sebina,
Natalija Kurnosova, Sandra Drozdova, Ruta Pels,
Leonid Smulskiy, Jacopo Lascialfari, Giulia Morigoni,
Asa Hedlin Olsson, Shirin Shojaei and Sotiria
Chrysovalanti Patrinou - shared their experiences and put
together proposals that will contribute to improving the socially
inclusive environment in the partner countries and across Europe.
The project partners introduced 7 presentations to the participants
and provided an opportunity to share practical experiences related
to successful social inclusion in the nine Latvian
organizations/institutions which was provided by EAPN-Latvia.
From the activity results, NGO educators from partner organizations'
networks were going to benefit: they are staff members, experts and
volunteer specialists, a total of 27 participants. The target group
members are people of different ages (23-78) and nationalities (6),
both sexes (23 women, 4 men), handicapped people (3), from
national/sexual minorities (3), low-income workers (8), with large
family (1), pensioners (3). However, each target group member's
level of education (1 - Doctor, 4 - Master's Degrees, 17 - higher
education) and previous experience in promoting non-formal adult
education are key determinants for them to participate and expand
their knowledge in this activity.
At the end of this seminar the achieved results were evaluated and
no less then 2 proposals of the participants were summarized.
Agenda (.pdf) >>
Latvia, E.Kula (.pdf) >>
Estonia (.pdf) >>
Greece (.pdf) >>
Italy (.pdf) >>
Sweden (.pdf) >>
23.08.2022, Riga
National Library of Latvia and Hotel Iceland

23.08.2022, Riga
Žanis Lipke's Memorial

23.08.2022, Riga
Riga NGO House and The Restaurant Andalūzijas Suns

24.08.2022, Sigulda
Association Aicinājums Tev

24.08.2022, Sigulda
Bobsleigh track

24.08.2022, Sigulda
The New Castle

24.08.2022, Sigulda
Gutman's cave, Turaida

25.08.2022, Kundzinsala, Riga
People's Aid Fund and Arts, Education and Technologies Center

25.08.2022, Riga
St.Luke Support Society

25.08.2022, Riga
Riga Active Seniors Alliance
