ERASMUS+ SMES-Europa 2022

Project No. 2021-1-BE01-KA220-VET-000029990
REHABILITATION SUPPORTS promoting accessibility - improving
e-quality - reinforcing net-working
01/02/2022 - 31/07/2024
Project Partners

● SMES-Europa - Sante Mentale Exclusion Sociale (Belgium)
● Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium)
● EAPN-Latvia (Latvia)
● SENT - Slovensko zdruzenje za dusevno zdravje (Slovenia)
● Coordinamento Toscano Marginalita (Italy)
● Vailla vakinaista asuntoa ry (Finland)
● PRAKSIS (Greece)
● Caritas Archidiecezji Warszawskiej (Poland)
● Mjendenes Hjem (Denmark)
● Camara Municipal de Lisboa (Portugal)
● Luigi Leonori, President, SMES-Europa
The EAPN-Latvia Team

Laila Balga, Project Coordinator |

Ilga Liepina, Project Manager |

Elīna Ālere-Fogele, Consultant |

Inguna Lapsina, Accountant |

Māris Kalējs, IT Manager |
The Project Goals:
to identify models and good practices to facilitate access of
homeless people to services and to enable social and health workers
of public and private sectors to meet homeless mentally people where
they are.
The Project Specific Objectives
1. Promote and facilitate networking and a great collaboration among
the workers of Institutions involved in the "extreme precariousness"
field in order to achieve effective synergies and transform the
different daily practices into new networking models.
2. Building the capacities of each participant through international
and intersectoral exchanges.
3. Identify efficient and innovative services and structures able to
prevent the chronicity of problems.
4. Involve all civil society because this is a structural problem of
5. Life-long learning taking advantage of this opportunity to
continue in this initiative by fostering the progressive
establishment of a network.
Profile of Partnerorganizations
1) Social Assistance
2) Mental Health
3) Housing Sector
4) Participation Citizenship
Planned Activities
1. Two administrative meetings in Belgium
2. Three study's visits of services in 3 European countries (Latvia,
Slovenia and Finland)
3. Several webinars in order to collect the profiles about the
services and person in need by the project partners
4. Four webinars / workshops in order to deepest exchange visions
about people and services
5. An event at EU Parliament in Brussels (Belgium)
6. XV Conference of SMES-Europa in Rome (Italy)
Activities in Latvia

● 05.01.2023. Preparing visit of
SMES-Europa project partners to Latvia
Activities in partner countries

● 10.09.2022. Planning meeting in
Leuven, Belgium
Participation of EAPN-Latvia in the webinars

● 2 February, 2022

● 22 February, 2022

● 10 March, 2022

● 6 April, 2022

● 4 May, 2022
6 June, 2022